Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 2012

McKennlie is doing great today. Still very sleepy and gets tired so fast. The speech therapist came in and McKennlie is learning new things every time. She has had no fever today YAY! They took away the cooling blanket. Which is great because McKennlie hated it! We are losing tubes and wires daily. She is still in the PICU. She is doing great with her breathing and has been a champ off of the vent. Keep the prayers coming they are being answered and we are seeing miracles.


  1. Praying for the Provost's Daily..Soo Thankful for a Kind, Loving Heavenly Father that hears and answers prayers...Keep Fighting McKennlie we are so proud of you!!!

  2. I'm so glad she is improving so quickly! We had Activity Day today and the girls made something special for McKennlie. We'll send it your way next week! Even Bella got to join us! It was so fun to have her.
    We miss you McKennlie!! Get better soon:)
    Sister Taylor

  3. Yay! we are excited to hear such great news as we continue to keep McKinnlie and your family in our prayers!

  4. So good to hear such good news! Hang in there! We're still praying for all of you.

  5. I love you McKennlie!! I think you are doing great!!
    Love- Kenzie P

  6. Mel & Family,
    I am so happy for you for the progress mckennlie has made. We pray for her daily! What a fighter. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers. Love Lacie LaFeber Flinders

  7. It's so encouraging to read the posts every day. I go to this blog 2 or 3 times a day. Today, in our scripture study as a family and it was my turn so I read from the Book of Mormon, 1 Ne 1:20 and I quote the end part of the verse ...."I Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom He had chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance". I thought of you Melanie and Chris. Your faith is just like that of Nephi. Marta and family

  8. So, so happy to hear the encouraging news! So thankful that McKennlie has wonderful parents who love her so much and that so many people are praying for you. Keep fighting, McKennlie!
    Love, Steogers

  9. McKennlie,
    I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
