Friday, June 29, 2012
June 29, 2012
Sorry blog peeps I was a slacker yesterday! McKennlie is still doing great. She is doing 5-6 hours of therapy each day and she works her guts out every time. She is starting to build up more strength and stamina. She is gaining more neck strength and is having an easier time keeping her head up. She is smiling and laughing. She has learned to do the peace sign, I love you sign, and waves hi and goodbye. Her swallow study showed that she is not quite ready for more food yet, but we know it will come soon. She is doing simple math and recognizes words, letters, numbers and colors. We love all our different therapists and they love our McKennlie. Chris and Mel are troopers and are doing such a good job juggling everything. Baby Caleb is doing well. Mel had a doctors appointment this week and he weighs 3 lbs.. Chris has started working just a few hours each day, then to the hospital, then home with Bella at night. Thanks for all your support we love all of you.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
June 27, 2012
Today McKennlie is officially out of the trauma unit and into rehab! Can I get a woooo woooo! She is doing so great and is progressing everyday. She is laughing and smiling all the time now and it is fabulous to see our happy girl back! She is doing a lot more therapy and is awake a lot more. She is doing a great job with her swallowing and is getting to have some food. They will be doing a swallow test in the next couple days and if she passes she will get even more food. McKennlie has not forgotten how to tease and she is very good at it! We can't believe her progress. She is retaining what she is learning and does better each time. We are so grateful for the hope and faith of all of you for McKennlie.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012
We had a very busy day today! Lots of therapy! McKennlie is learning lots of new stuff everyday. She is learning to stand again ( with help from her therapists), but it is so great to see her work on getting her strength back to her cute little soccer legs. They did a CT scan to make sure the fluid on her brain was not getting to high(because they pulled the drain). It came back within the normal range which we think is great. They will do one more CT next week and if that is normal they will not do anymore unless she seems to have a problem. After rehab today McKennlie was able to watch Punky Brewster and she still smiled in all the places that she thought were funny before:). It is amazing how these tender mercies give us so much hope and strength. We love our girl and are so proud of the strides she is making to get better. As always please continue to pray for McKennlie.
Monday, June 25, 2012
June 25,2012
McKennlie was able to do a lot more therapy today. She was able to stay awake for almost twice as long. She worked so hard and it is always fun to see her do new things. It is absolutely amazing to see her huge smile again! I think her favorite part of therapy was being able to taste a sucker :)! They changed her feeds to longer and less frequent. Mel & Chris always light up when they see her and miss Bella is so sweet with her. It is amazing to see this awesome family continue to be so faith filled throughout this experience. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
June 24,2012
McKennlie has had a great day. She did some new things for her daddy today. The one we were most impressed with was that McKennlie was able to point out Mel's favorite number 3! She is becoming more and more alert which is so awesome. Her tech David made her smile today by telling her about a patient that he could never get to smile and finally he told him he was going to do the booty shake AKA hamster dance and McKennlie grinned! We are constantly amazed by the lives our little miracle touches. Chris and Mel's youth from their ward went on trek this last week and EVERY person had a Help McKennlie Heal band! It is so awesome to see these great kids be inspired by our sweet girl. We know that their prayers in her behalf have been answered. They also had the opportunity to share McKennlie's story with Sister Elaine Dalton the General YW President. I know I say thank you in every post, but we are so grateful for all the prayers and service in our behalf.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
June 23, 2012
Today has been a great day! McKennlie has started yawning! She also gave us her first smile! She is still doing therapy everyday, and she was able to have her first real bath. One of the things we are most excited about is she is figuring out how to swallow and is starting to do it consistantly. She is such a joy to be around and it is so fun to see her do all of her new stuff. We love the new area of the hospital that she is in and are loving all her new nurses. We are so grateful for all the people who are helping us get our girl better. McKennlie continues to fight. You can see her trying so hard to do what the therapists ask of her. We are so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and for all His tender mercies. Please continue to pray for McKennlie's recovery.
Friday, June 22, 2012
June 22, 2012
Today has been a huge milestone McKennlie is out of the PICU. She also had her EVD pulled. She is doing so great! All her vitals are stable and all she has left are her feeding tube, and an IV. She is still working with physical therapists and has learned to say yes with one squeeze and no with two squeezes. Last night Christopher asked if she wanted some brussel sprouts he got two definite squeezes! Lol. We are so proud of our miracle girl.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
June 21, 2012
McKennlie had a good night. They clamped her EVD (her drain for brain fluid) last night at seven. Her pressures were up and down for about 45 minutes, but leveled off and did great. She went down this morning for a CT scan. She did great and tolerated it very well. Which we were very grateful for because the last scans were way too eventful. She is still doing physical therapy and is still sleeping a lot. Her storming seems to have slowed which is great. They are weening her off the meds for the storming. Thank you again for all you are all doing. We love all of you!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
McKennlie is doing great today. Still very sleepy and gets tired so fast. The speech therapist came in and McKennlie is learning new things every time. She has had no fever today YAY! They took away the cooling blanket. Which is great because McKennlie hated it! We are losing tubes and wires daily. She is still in the PICU. She is doing great with her breathing and has been a champ off of the vent. Keep the prayers coming they are being answered and we are seeing miracles.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012 #2
McKennlie had a very eventful day today. She was able to have her vent pulled HOORAY! She is doing so great working with the physical and occupational therapists and is trying so hard to do whatever they ask her to do. She has pushed against them with her legs, squeezed their hand and let it go, and gave her a high five (with a little help). She is doing so great doing her breathing on her own. This little girl is truly our miracle. She just keeps moving forward even when the experts said she wouldn't or couldn't. We are so grateful for this wonderful blessing from our Father in Heaven that he is allowing us to keep this angel. Keep the prayers coming we are going to need them through out her recovery. The physical therapists have asked that we limit visitors to allow them more productive time with Kennlie (so she is not tired out). They need her at her very best so they can help her get better. They are going to be working with her a lot more and lots of visitors will wear her out. Thank you again for all you have done for our family.
June 19, 2012
Day 11. McKennlie had a good night last night. All her numbers were good and they were able to do a vent test( they turn the ventilator all the way off for 1 hour and see how she does on her own). She passed with flying colors. We think they will pull the vent with in the next 24 hours. They did X-rays this morning to clear her C spine and all preliminary results look great. We still need your faith and prayers. Everyday we see improvement and we know our girl can not only survive this, but that she is going to continue to exceed any expectation the doctors have for her.
Monday, June 18, 2012
June 18, 2012
Day 10. Today McKennlie tracked ( eyes moving from left to right) in front of the doctor. She would not do it for the doctor so the doctor asked Mel to come over and tell her to look to the right and she did! She also has her gag reflex back woohoo! We never thought we would be so excited to see someone gag lol. She is looking for her parents and it is so sweet to see her search for them. We are still battling a fever. The doctor has a theory that she may be thyroid storming. We just want to say thank you again to everyone who is praying, or helping this cute family in any way. It is overwhelming to see and feel of your love. Each day we see McKennlie fighting to improve and she is.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
June 17, 2012#2
Mckennlie is having a good day today. She is still struggling with a fever, but all of her other numbers look really good. She got a new pair of kicks to prevent her Achilles tendon from shrinking. (we call them her Punky Brewster shoes) She is starting to move with more purpose today. Everyday she does a little better despite constant obstacles. The best news of the day is that she looked at Mel, really looked at her! McKennlie made a fathers day card for her daddy with a little help from her awesome nurse Deanna. It is amazing that when we start to feel overwhelmed and down it is our awesome McKennlie that picks us back up. We are so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that knows us and loves us. While you are praying for this little girl and her family please also express gratitude for the many miracles that He has blessed us with.
June 17, 2012
Day 9. McKennlie had an okay night. She is struggling to maintain her body temp. She has a fever and is shivering. Chris & Mel were able to go to the church services at PCMC. They are so tired, but they keep the faith. Bella has enjoyed getting to come visit McKennlie and loves when they all read together. We think McKennlie will do well today as her gift to her daddy on Fathers day! Please keep praying for us.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
Today McKennlie is starting to show more signs of movement. We are so proud of every little thing she does. She has been opening her eyes a bit, but is not focusing on anything yet. She is holding stable with her vitals. She is reacting to noise and pain which we think is great. The doctors are not super positive, but we are. We are going to continue in faith, because our sweet girl's time is not over. McKennlie can do this with our Heavenly Fathers help. Thank you for your prayers and love. We love you all and so appreciate your support.
June 16, 2012
Day 8. McKennlie had a pretty stable night last night given what a hard day she had yesterday. Mel and Chris are staying with her and cheering their sweet little girl on. We know everyone wants to see them to hug them and give them support, but they need to focus all their attention to McKennlie right now. The best support you can give is to pray and post messages here on the blog. Mel checks them everyday and your love always lifts her up.
Friday, June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012 #2
Today was another rough day. McKennlie coded while she was down in MRI. She has become more stable tonight, but we really still need your prayers and faith. Chris and Mel have had a tremendously hard day and could also use your prayers. Our girl is still fighting with every thing she has and we have faith that McKennlie is going to be our miracle.
June 15, 2012
Day 7. Today McKennlie is doing well she is starting to come out of the coma meds. The doctors are starting to see some signs of more awareness ( pupils reacting, eyelids closing to protect eyes, and some coughing). We are hoping our girl will try to breathe and help the ventilator. We are still just waiting, hoping, praying, and using all the faith we have. Her pressure seems to be holding which is great. She looks so great with her hair all braided and toes painted. She definitely is our miracle girl and she keeps surpassing the doctors expectations which is just what McKennlie does she has ALWAYS surpassed expectations. We love you all and are so grateful for your prayers, concern, and love! We can feel it, it is tangible and brings great comfort. Chris said today that our Father in Heaven is so merciful and we are so thankful for his mercy.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 14, 2012
Day 6. Today we reached our 120 hr goal. They have completely weened McKennlie from the coma meds and they are telling us it will take about 48 hours for us to see any change. Melanie was able to paint McKennie's cute crooked toes bright green. The nurses also washed and combed out her poor hair it took them 2 1/2 hrs to untangle it. We know we received a miracle on Monday this week and we are so grateful. We are going to need another miracle as our sweet girl starts to come off of the meds. Please continue to pray for her it is all of ours and your faith that is allowing us the opportunity to see these miracles first hand.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
McKennlie fought hard today and that little girl can hold her own. She is maintaining a safe pressure level which is especially great since they have been weening her from the coma meds. They have started to treat the pneumonia and are suctioning out the gunk from her nose and throat. Thank you for all the prayers in her behalf. We are feeling so blessed to be loved by such faith filled amazing people. I wish I could list all the amazing things people have done for this family, but it would be a mile long.
Message from Mel
We are completely overwhelmed by what is happening for our family! We cannot even tell all of you how much we love you, and how GRATEFUL we are for everything. I only get a few moments to get on the Internet to look at what is happening out there in the world, and I am SO overwhelmed. I cannot wrap my mind around what you are all doing for us. There are no words! I want each and every one of you to know that I would give anything to hug you all, one at a time, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please feel how much I mean this!!!! You are our angels!! We love you all more than we can explain. I want you all to know we had a miracle happen 2 days ago. They didn't think she was going to make it this far, and yet she's still here. Please, from the bottom of my heart, keep praying for another miracle. Heavenly Father is hearing our prayers. We still need another one. We love you all, and we'll try to write more again.
June 13, 2012
Day 5. Today is looking to be another tough one. McKennlie's pressure is back up and they are going to start weening her from the coma meds. We know she is going to fight with everything she has, but we also know she is going to need her Father in Heaven's help. Please continue to pray for her. We know that sounds simple, but prayers have kept this sweet girl with us so please do not stop now. McKennlie also has pneumonia and they are treating that with antibiotics. We are so grateful for all of you and all you are doing for this great family. This has been so hard for our family, but we can say with no doubt that we feel of our Heavenly Father's love and comfort and know that He will help our angel McKennlie.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Update on Bella
McKennlie's little sister Bella is doing so great during this hard time away from her parents and sister. She is staying with Uncle Austin and Aunt Adrienne and cousins Cale, and Ellie. She is loving spending time with them and is being so good. Bella wanted to go to tumbling today and her sweet Aunt made it happen:) She also got to learn about all the medical gadgets that they use to help her sister and had a ball trying some of it on! We are so grateful for all the good people helping to keep her so happy!

June 12, 2012
Today is day four and we have just passed the 72 hour window that the doctors said were so critical. We are feeling extremely blessed and are so proud of our strong, sweet McKennlie. McKennlie has always done things early and she did with the peaking of her swelling as well. Yesterday was so hard on everyone, but Heavenly Father continues to watch over this awesome family. McKennlie had a great night. Her levels held where they needed them to and we are so grateful. Today they were able to put a feeding tube in and have taken her off some of the meds. She continues to stay leveled off, so please keep praying for her and her family. We have set up a bank account for their family to help with medical expenses at America First Credit Union in Christopher Provost's name. Chris and Mel are so overwhelmed with the love, kindness, and generosity of everyone. This will probably be a very long journey, but one that we know we can get through. Chris and Mel feel your love and are so grateful for your prayers and know everyone wants to help, but for right now the doctors have asked that you don't come to the hospital because they really don't want to stimulate McKennlie, also Chris and Mel really need to focus on helping their sweet daughter.
Monday, June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012 #3
Thank you thank you for the prayers! They are working! McKennlie's pressure has come down to a safer level. Please keep praying! Chris and Mel are so grateful. We are seeing little miracles that are keeping us going!
June 11,2012 #2
Okay family and friends and anyone that can pray we need you NOW! McKennlie has peaked really high in pressure on her brain. We need our Heavenly Fathers help and we need it now. Please if you can stop what you are doing and pray for McKennlie. Faith and prayer can move mountains and we know it can heal our sweet McKennlie.
June 11,2012
We are to day three. McKennlie is still fighting the swelling in her brain from this horrible injury. She had a stable night last night which was a great blessing to her and to her parents. Everyone was able to rest for a little bit which is so good. Her pressure spiked again this morning, but so far the doctors and nurses have been inspired to know the best ways to manage things. On a positive note McKennlie's vitals have remained stable throughout this ordeal. We are almost to the 48 hr goal and need your prayers especially for the next 24 hours. We know that our Father in Heaven is very aware of McKennlie and her needs at this time. We are putting all our faith and hope in Him, because we know He can heal her. We would ask for all of your faith in her behalf as well.
Message from Mel
This is Melanie........we can't express the gratitude in our hearts to EVERYONE! There aren't words to say how much love we are feeling. Chris and I are grateful for each and every thought,and prayer that has been given in our behalf and more importantly our angel McKennlie. We are calling upon everyone we can to please pray for a miracle!! McKennlie was our miracle baby when we needed her the very most, and now she needs us! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. We will never be able to repay you for what you are doing. Kim and Sara, thank you for taking such great care of Bella when it happened! You were there for her when her Mommy couldn't be. I love you both! Jed and Matt, thank you for taking care of us and getting us to the hospital so fast. We love you all, more than words can say!!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Day two of such a heart wrenching ordeal. McKennlie's brain swelling is continuing to worsen. The doctors have decided to put her in a medically induced coma in order to lessen brain activity and reduce the swelling. Right now we need a miracle, but Mckennlie has always been a miracle girl. The next 36-48 hours are extremely critical and all of your thoughts and prayers are much needed! Chris & Mel are strong and their faith will help in the healing of their sweet girl.
June 9,2012
Today is day one of a most difficult journey for the sweet Provost family. Chris and Mel's daughter McKennlie was severely injured in a ATV accident while camping with her family. She was life flighted from the Evanston, WY hospital to primary children's in SLC,UT. McKennlie has a TBI ( traumatic brain injury). As of right now they are just watching and praying hoping for the swelling on her brain to reduce. Mel and Chris are so strong and are staying by her side pleading with her to fight. They are especially grateful for all the prayers and fasting in behalf of their sweet girl. The doctors are saying 48-72 hours before we will know exactly the extent of her injuries and swelling related to those injuries. We will try to keep you posted through this blog or you can contact Tyler Buxton at 801-430-4065. We would ask you to follow the blog to get updates. That will allow Chris and Mel to focus on caring for their little girls.
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