Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012

Today was McKennlie's day of rest and she needed it. She went to church services down at PCMC with her family. She also learned how to blow! How great since her birthday is less than a month away! She is ready to blow out some candles! Her dad said her favorite word of the day is no;). We are just so glad she has started to find her voice.


  1. My name is Sheri Allred. I am Monica Zesiger's sister, from Idaho. Our family has been following Mckennlie's recovery since the beginning. Your family is such an inspiration.

    Monica told us about the fasting and prayers by your ward, and how even after missing two meals, Kyler and Lexie did not want to eat dinner because they still wanted to fast for Mckennlie.

    Our primary was talking about fasting and prayer today and each child held on to a piece of yarn that was held in the middle by a Sister. They were talking about how together we are stronger. I shared Mckennlie's story with the children and how the primary children fasted and prayed for her, and the miracles that have happened since. The children were so quiet and interested in her story.

    Thank you for sharing her recovery and the lessons of faith and prayer that your family is treading through every day. We've never met her, or your family, but we share tears, prayers and the faith of so many that are touched by your lives. May the Lord continue to bless you all.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Sheri! My heart is so full after reading your post. It's amazing to think that people we don't even know are praying for us. I am so very humbled by your love. Thank you so much! Love, Melanie

  2. I can't believe that today marks one month since our camping trip. My feelings have gone from sorrow and worry to that of hope and joy! I have more faith and a stronger testimony today because of Mckennlie! She truly has been a missionary to others... OUR MIRACLE! She strengthens me everyday through her strength. I have loved to watch and see her grow over the past month. She brings such a smile to me and to others. I am so grateful to have you all in my life, Thank you for what you have taught me through this difficult time!!! Love always Kim

    1. I love you Kim. Couldn't make it through this without you guys. How about a re-do on the camping trip sometime huh? Thank you for EVERYTHING you guys are doing for us. We are forever indebted to you. It may take a lifetime for us to repay you, but we will certainly try! Love you so much! Mel
