Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

McKennlie had a very good day in therapy! She was able to sit cross legged and held herself up for one full minute. She is learning to do stairs and she was able to stand on her own for a little bit today while holding on to the railing. The doctors are telling us if McKennlie can go two more days with no feeds through her feeding tube and reaching her goals of food and liquid intake she will be able to have her feeding tube pulled. We need prayers that McKennlie's soft pallet will get stronger to help with swallowing and talking. We are so thankful for all your love and prayers for our little miracle girl!


  1. Great Job McKennlie! Prayers are heading your way!!!!!!! Thanks for the updates

  2. Wow, Mckennlie's recovery is remarkable. Your family is so strong and such an example to others. Keep fighting hard and getting stronger Mckennlie. Stay strong Chris and Mel.
