Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012

McKennlie is talking so much more and in full sentences. She gets frustrated when we can't figure out what she is saying because she knows exactly what she wants to say. She was able to meet all of her food and fluid intake goals and did not have to get any feeds through her feeding tube today. She was able to crawl today with only one therapists helping her. Lefty has woken up and is doing so many new things. They have started putting McKennlie in a new sports model wheel chair that is completely up right with no head rest. She did great in it today and I think she will be in it all the time very soon. They did a hearing test today and said McKennlie can hear better than most people! No shock there we try to whisper and she will answer the questions from our conversations. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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